In January, I was on the South Sea

and it was great.
In February, I was in the Antarctica,

and it was great.
The two trips could not have been more different, but, especially since they were in such close succession, they were some kind of special craziness.
On both trips, I spent only very little time on the internet. Simply because time was too precious to waste it on the internet. It was also too precious to waste it on watching films or on similar activities.
Consequently, I only wrote two articles in the first two months of the year 2018. Which is definitely unheard of from me. However, this does not mean that I no longer think a lot about important issues. Or that I am no longer keen on writing. On the contrary.
However, I do not want to write trivialities. Both the South Sea and the Antarctica made me quite thoughtful. During my trips, I wrote down many exciting ideas. I found them quite great. But with each day I spent travelling, these topics seemed more and more banal.
But I assume that this time of collecting and reflecting will soon be over. After all, I am now back in the “real” world. And I truly believe that, soon, I will manage at least one article each week. About things that are important to me.
(Translated by EG)
For the friends of Antarctica:
I have a wonderful report of my trip in February. I hope to publish it soon in the IF Blog. Here is an Ocean Map that should make your mouth water.