Entrepreneur’s Diary #20 – Ethical Enterprise – 11. Necessary Requirements for the Treatment of Stakeholders

GythioSpaziergang1We already talked about the most important stakeholders of an enterprise: the employees, customers and suppliers. The shareholders as stakeholders have also been written about.

There are numerous suppliers further off than the sub-companies: the garage responsible for maintenance of the company cars, the supplier of communication and IT infrastructure, the hotels where the employees sleep, the suppliers of hardware and office tools. Just like the lawyers, tax advisors and auditors and other counsellors, they are all stakeholders of an enterprise.

Geschäft1There are many more stakeholders: the employee’s families, the people working in public offices concerned with the enterprise, such as the municipal administration, the fiscal office, the rural district office, etc.

People working in the shops and pubs where the employees go shopping or have lunch are also stakeholders, just like the “Döner” salesman next door. The neighbours of the company are stakeholders, and so are the representatives of the local community, associations and organisations.

I guess we could think of many more – for instance the ladies and gentleman from the newspapers.

What is important is this:

An “ethical enterprise” should try to have as many stakeholders as possible. And the more of them are your allies, the better.

(Translated by EG)


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