Entrepreneur’s Diary #61 – Introducing Yourself in the Modern Way

In times of OpenSpace, Barcamp, Fishbowl, etc., there is also a new way of introducing oneself. It is typical for rounds of many where people meet for the first time, for example at the “Kick-off” meeting for a future project.

In those situations, you are allowed/supposed to say in just two short sentences something about yourself during the typical round of introductions. And you can include three catchphrases on themes, values or the like. According to the motto “who is important in your life” or “what do you stand for”, or some such.

Here is an example:

I am a manager. I like travelling the world. My goals are: power, sex, money.

That is an absolutely exemplary introduction. Two sentences. The first is three words, the second six words. And then follows a clear statement of 22 letters! Well, this is better than any “elevator speech”!

As an impromptu exercise, it is quite hard. One person starts, and then you continue around the circle. You quickly discover that it is good advice to stick by the rule. Talking too long puts you in a poor position and you will be looked at askance by the entire group. If you never did it before and are probably the fifth person in the group, this can give you quite a high blood pressure.

My standard answer for all emergencies is:

I founded InterFace AG and am happy to report that I live in a huge family. For me, the most important things are: reading&thinking, blogging&talking, behaving&acting.

😉 Or some such thing. Of course, I modify the answers according the goal and topic of the event I am attending.

This article is only meant as a suggestion. And remember: if you are heading towards this kind of short introduction of yourself, it pays to be prepared. You might still talk rubbish, but at least you will make a good impression!

Personally, I am not enthusiastic about these rules. To be sure, it is important not to talk too much. But otherwise, I find it nicer if it sounds more humane. But what I described actually happens. Brave new world. Always abide by the rules.


If you want to read more articles of my entrepreneur’s diary, click here: Drehscheibe


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