I always want to deliver a job well done. That is also true for my role as manager and entrepreneur, which is why, apart freom USP, I also took a closer look at issues such as “elevator pitch” (as a matter of facts, I even took it them seriously and tried to develop the same kinds of things for InterFace).
The “elevator pitch”, also known as “elevator speech”, is still one of the basic topics every young entrepreneur in training learns as survival skill. Incidentally, it is supposed to follow the AIDA formula (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action).
However, I can guarantee that I will not write anything about the AIDA formula. Some people might conclude from this very fact how sceptical I feel about these kinds of things.
The elevator pitch means that you should be able to answer the typical “elevator question” (What exactly is it your company does?) during the 30 seconds a normal elevator ride takes in a way that makes a good impression.
The listener should learn about your mission, product and business model in such a way that he, ideally, gets positively influenced for his future purchase intention.
I take the easier way out and give you a design of possible “elevator pitches” (totally devoid of AIDA, but instead super short) for my USP examples:
What does CocaCola?
Answer Number 1: “CocaCola, you understand, COKE!”
Answer Number 2: “Is there any more stupid question you could have asked?”
Was does Red Adair? Answer Number 1:
“We extinguish fires nobody else can quench!”
Answer Number 2: ” We are fucking hell fighters”
The mental image of Red Adair wearing his red Fire Fighter Suit is unavoidable.
Was does Siemens?
Answer Number 1: “Everything that has anything to do with electricity!”
Answer Number 2: “German engineering, German thoroughness, Germnan organisation!”
That was true about 20 years ago.
As of a few months ago, in twitter-style, a few possible hashtags might be:
Answer Number 3: #Medical Technology #Power Plants #Automatisation #Number1 #Global Player
And as of four weeks ago, I might have answered:
Answer Number 4: “Desertec” – electricity for all from the desert
There you see how fast everything changes these days.
But what does(did) the medium-size enterprise of my friend do?
Answer: “We produce highly specialized metal parts in small series according to the precise order of our well-established customers for their prototypes in record time!”
As you see, it gets harder.
What does “InterFace”?
Mph – now we really have a difficult task.
Answer Number 1: “IT services and consulting – keeping in mind that there is always a human being involved” and then we could add a hashtag like:
Answer Number 2: #Storage #Virtualisation #Projekt Management #ITIL # SCRUM #JAVA #AND_MUCH_MORE:
:- )Maybe there will soon be an assignment in the seminar for future entrepreneurs: the twitter mnission – your enterprise in 140 digits!
Well, that would be the good old elevator pich in modern form!
Let me add what is true all the time:
Please do not take it too seriously. It might well be an exercise to fill in space and gain a little knowledge about your own business, but please do not be disappointed if nothing sensible evolves.
You can rest assured that the success of your business will not depend on a successful elevator pitch.
(Translated by EG)
Currently, my elevator pitch reads as follows:
And all this rubbish I found yesterday. There was more of it, too. This is also a part of this otherwise beautiful country.