Francis Van Hoi in Munich

Last Tuesday, we all met: Francis, Markus and yours truly. The appointed place was the May tree on the Munich Viktualienmarkt. We drink a Bavarian beer together. After a long time, Francis is again in Germany for a short time and tells us about his experience but also his achievements in Vietnam.

He reports about the house he is buidling for children harmed by agent-orange. About the many years he spent working and advertising for it. Now it is finished.

Now he has to plan how best to make sure it works well. But he also tells us how his success makes others envious. And how privileged the children who can be given shelter by him feel – and how many others he cannot help.

He also gives us an introduction to his new ideas, plans and projects. Many of the orphans he cares for in Vietnam have no technological competence.
Some children are deaf-mute and cannot write, either. It is hard to communicate with them at all. Consequently, you cannot teach them anything demanding.

For these children, Francis would like to build a sort of farm. In Vietnam, ther is quite a market for food. Many things are imported a hundred per cent, even though they could easily be farmed in the country. Francis is wondering if he might not initiate a sort of “healing farm” as his next project. For instance with animals and producing asparagus.

He could get the know-how from Germany. He could rent the necessary property from the Ministry of Defense. All he would need is the initial financing and machines for agriculture and processing.

The machines are just as welcome if they are old. In fact, he would favour machines as they have been used in Germany inf ormer times by craftsmen.

Markus and I are impressed to witness how Francis always finds the strength to provide help for self-help. We will certainly help him along the way.

(Translated by EG)


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