Our political elite preach:
The World Economical Crisis is the reason for all our problems.
Growth will solve all our problems.
Supplying people with jobs is the highest of values.
Technological Advancement will save us all.
Thinking in terms of such thin and apparently incorrect (or fake) concepts cannot be a basis for a valid and sustainable social program.
Future elites will have to be competent in the three “r”-s:
Reason, which will give them the courage to question allegedly self-evident truths and define conscious and subconscious interests without being manipulated from outside.
The responsibility we have to accept for our fellow human beings and future generations.
The ability to renounce some of the things we have grown to take for granted, because this will be essential for our survival and yet not minimize our personal happiness.
Reason, responsibility and renouncement as a simple basis for the development of an enlightened society would also increase our faith in democracy.
However, I fear we will not change unless the three “c”-s will catch up with us:
Catastrophes that make the world uninhabitable.
Crises that shatter us.
Civilization maladies caused by our own behaviour.
At least, that is what one of my teachers, Baldur Kirchner, taught me: people will only change when they are seriously hit by a crisis, catastrophe or malady.