Now it happened:
IF-Blog has been hacked. For the second time. Here is what happened each time: The headline is overwritten – and so is the text. The last time, it was my article America Firs that got under attack.
The headline was replaced by
Hacked By XwoLfTn
and the entire content was overwritten by
Hacked By XwoLfTn – Tunisian Hacker.
Before that, it was my EURO story (EURO-Geschichte). With the same result. The headline and the content were the same as this time.
I was able to reconstruct both articles, which means I am glad that nothing worse happened. But you can see they actually exist: evil guys on the internet. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) – which I hold in high esteem – is again correct. And so is my friend Hans Bonfigt.
Unfortunately, I do not yet know if we are talking an individual person who wants to annoy me or another Bot doing damage. Looking at google and realizing how many blogs are affected by the same effect, I rather fear the latter.
As soon as possible, I will now install the latest wordpress version. And I hope that helps. And if any of you are wordpress experts – or even better: if any of you know what exactly happened, I would be grateful for any advice you can give me!
Many thanks in advance!
(Translated by EG)