The story of the day before yesterday with the mothers and their jobs a few days ago is still on my mind! Especially since I have actually come across the term “foreign roots“ more often.
In official statistics, they informed us about mothers “with foreign background”. Well, the opposite of “foreign roots” would be “national roots”, wouldn’t it? Or do they mean “German roots” as opposed to “non-German roots”? And do mothers really have roots?
What nonsense. I decided to reciprocate and came up with a totally different differentiation of mothers.
Some mothers are “strictly Catholic”, some are “enlightened Lutheran”, “Jewish”, “Islamic”, “Buddhist”, “atheist”.
Some mothers are “Barbie-doll mothers – some are “totally over-over-protective“.
Some are “Sagrotan mothers“ who have their sons circumcised for reasons of hygiene and some are “bum mothers”.
Some are “rich mothers” and some are “poor mothers“.
Some are “working-class mothers“ and some are “mothers with an academic background”.
Some are “3-c mothers“ (church, cooking, children) and some are “1-c mothers” (career).
Some are “ethically upright mothers“ and some are “mothers with an amoral life-style”.
Some are “single mothers“ and some are “part-time mothers“.
Some are “zero-child mothers” and some are “n-children mothers”.
And then I will do a statistic overview about how many jobs are available for all those categories.
Thank you very much!
(Translated EG)