An extremely difficult topic. Consequently, this is a rather difficult article.
The older I get, the more important human dignity gets for me. As I see it, it absolutely has to be protected. And in my opinion, the definition I am familiar with is not good enough:
No human being must be exclusively made a means to an end!
Unfortunately, I know no better definition.
I believe human dignity does have a common denominator, but I also think a differentiation according to culture and age is possible. Basically, I know little about the cultures of this world. Consequently, I would not wish to tell other cultural groups what their understanding of human dignity should be.
🙂 On the other hand, I already have quite some experience with various age groups. Fortunately, I have not yet covered all age groups – the elderly phase is still to come.
But I definitely think that babies, toddlers, children, adolescents, grown-ups in the first and second half of their lives, senior citizens and elderly people have rather diverse needs. And that the dignity of a human being also has something to do with fair treatment of needs.
So I believe the preservation of dignity is dependent on the time and situation in your life. Let me describe from the layman’s point of view how I imagine it might be. Mind you, this is all just to make you thoughtful. I am well aware that none of it can be considered strict facts:
Babies need basic trust.
They need the steady and reliable relationship to (at least) one person – their mother. I am assuming that this includes a lot of physical contact and human love. A baby’s dignity is probably guaranteed to a huge extent by the mother.
Children need a feeling of security and love.
They have to be protected against psychological and physical violence. The right impulses must be given in all varieties. You can find them both in nature and culture (civilization). Environmental elements that include a reduction will have a detrimental effect on the child’s dignity. Children need a chance to socialize and live values. Both families and institutions violate children’s dignity far too often.
An adolescent person has other needs.
The child’s wisdom will diminish. It will be replaced by insurrection and actions that have not been thought through in advance. Regardless, humans, especially in this phase of their lives, have a right to be taken seriously. They need the chance to rub others at the wrong end. To see a mirror image of themselves. It is part of the human dignity of adolescents that we promote their autonomy.
Grown-ups need to be respected.
Basically, they must never be considered just a means to an end. Neither other humans, nor institutions should ever subdue them. Their personal dignity also lives in their work and their partnership – these are probable the social values (systems) determining the lives of most of us.
Senior citizens need tolerance.
Being old might have its good and bad sides. The wisdom should be made use of, the stubbornness of old age should be ignored or, if possible, tolerated. Indulgance, too, will mean dignity.
Old persons must not be put under tutelage.
The circle is complete. You are again as helpless as you were as a baby. Some of you might need someone to accompany you until death comes. It is your human dignity to still be able to determine to some extent what you want to do with your life.
Everyone needs love, perhaps even those who are dead?
(Translated by EG)
This was my contribution to All-Saints-Day. I wrote it to make up for not visiting graves. Because I do not like this All-Saints-Day cult. And now I did my duty and will ride my bike to the bake-shop (the real baker is closed today) and get a delicious Bavarian Veal Sausage for our guest from Riga. And then I will truly enjoy this free autumn day.
When on vacation, I like taking pictures of graves. This article, however, has been kept “picture-free” on purpose.