Hurray, the Open Air Swimming Pool Has Opened!

Today, on May, 8th, the open air swimming pool at Unterhaching can be used for the first time this year. Last year, it opened one week later for the summer season, on May, 15th.

And, of course, I went there. It was the best of times: at noon, before the “Haching” soccer game started. The air temperature was rather chilly, but the water was really nice and warm.

The pool itself was almost empty. When I arrived, there were two people in the water. When I left, the number had increased to four.

Isn’t it a pity that so few people were out there? After all, there is nothing special about spending half an hour in the water and paddling around. And after half a year of indoor swimming pools, it feels great!

And tomorrow, I will come again! If possible, I will go for a swim each day, provided I am in Munich!

(Translated by EG)


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