About Me
I am now writing a personal article. I see it as a Link in order to introduce myself to persons I meet for the first time. Consequently, I want to tell you what exactly I am doing and who I might be. That is, in addition to the trivial and nice facts that I have a huge family and many friends and that I try to live my life consciously and to enjoy it.
I am an ex-programmer for whom the time came in life to hang his programming shoes to the proverbial nail. And then I became a more or less successful entrepreneur in the IT sector.
Today, I am financially independent. I try to serve nobody. And I try to make good use of my time, both in my own and other persons’ interest; that is: I try to live.
Thus, I try to share experiences and knowledge and at the same time to learn as much as possible. My most important commodities are my body and my time. Consequently, I try to spend time only with persons whom I particularly appreciate and like. Just like I also only start “projects” of which I believe I will enjoy them.

As a “learning mentor at eye-level”, I try – above all but not exclusively – to help young people towards becoming a little happier and more successful. I especially like doing this for entrepreneurs and enterprises (above all, I like to help start-ups). My method is to “listen and ask stupid questions”. In small groups, I sometimes organize “dialectic workshops” (something like Fahnenbildung etc.). Mostly, I work without charging anything for it. Special activities, for instance if I help someone to sell his company, cost money.
I gave myself some rules, for instance that no meeting will ever take more than 60 minutes (maximum exception 90 minutes in particularly hard cases). Whenever possible, my appointments are arranged at short notice and as the necessity arises.
On the whole, I try to live following the maxim: “agile, lean und open“. This is a little like the agile manifesto, the application of which should not be restricted to software development.
I would like to spend the remaining years of my life as an activist for PEACE and SOFT MOBILITY.
Well, so much about me. With compliments!