I Am Human – So What Am I? ♫

🙂 These are also the kinds of ideas I come up with during my vacation: let me tell you about my forefathers. Maybe a time will come when I have to explain to some alien how we all originated:

I am a human and my forefathers were apes. A long time ago, they used all four legs. When a planetary disaster (today we would call it an environmental catastrophe) happened, their jungle was destroyed. That was where they had always found all the food they needed and more. Now this was no longer the case. Now they had to go and look elsewhere for all the proteins they needed for survival. No easy task.

Consequently, they were forced to walk upright. I am not sure if it happened in the Savannah where they had to look for carrion or because they had to get their food from shallow waters and therefore needed to keep their heads high. To this day, our scientists cannot come to an agreement, but I guess this is when we started being human …

After my forefathers had learned to walk upright, they already knew what to do with their hands. As we all know, boredom often precedes stupid ideas. So they played around with their hands and learned to build tools and weapons. With the tools getting more delicate, the hands got more slender and skilful. The entire process was self-regulatory, without any underlying concept.

My forefathers liked to make fires. They found a way to build their own fires. Initially, they feared they had now badly misbehaved. Then they found out that fire could be useful in many ways, for instance for getting warm and for processing plenty of necessary proteins.

A few others of my forefathers, at another time, invented the concept of the circle. For example, they found it easier to move heavy things using round logs. Now that was progress. Of course, they never imagined that something like our wheel would later develop from their invention,
My forefathers were also quick to discover that it is easier to hunt as a team than by oneself. Due to their unique larynx structure, they were able to modulate sound. That was sensational. It did not take them long to understand that they could communicate with each other when hunting as a team. Another advantage in the struggle for proteins had been discovered. They refined their hunting commands and that is how later language developed.

Now capable of talking, they made up stories for telling their children. It was strenuous work to hand on all those stories. During the generations, the stories changed. My forefathers were quite intelligent at the time and tried to engrave their stories into stone. This was the first kind of script.

The more language and script developed, the more words and phrases were born. Ideas became more complex, consciousness developed.
My forefathers were herd animals. Now they were able to explicitly formulate social rules. There was a concept of values. Many things, however, remained mysteries for my forefathers. They tried to solve the riddles and give the world and their lives meaning.

Consequently, my forefathers came up with the concept of God. They found him in the sun and in many natural places around them. They developed religions. Initially, those religions were very simple and natural. Yet even in those days, my forefathers tended to make everything rather complicated.

Those were also the days when the beautiful fairy tale of Adam and Eve was spread. Along with many very different stories that were handed down through thousands of years. Yet, to this day we cannot answer the question about the meaning of life.

During the last 1,000 years, the speed of development has increased. An awareness of time and the invention of the clock marked the process. Mathematics was refined and the so-called natural sciences were discovered. With the invention of the printing press, knowledge was far easier to spread.

Communication and mobility were added to the lot. As were the steam-engine and Diesel motor. Ships could move faster and planes even a lot faster than that. Atrocious weapons were built, huge wars fought. And my tribe was always in the middle of it. However, the nuclear bomb has only been triggered twice so far, and not by us. To make up for it, we built nuclear power plants.

Our motto was: faster, further, higher. Some of us even walked on the moon. Within a single day, it was possible to travel anywhere on this planet. We made the earth subject to our will and ruled everything. It was a great story.

We invented machines capable of thinking. The data were transferred through telex and later through fibre optics cables. Everything was possible through the internet. We had access to all the knowledge in the world. This is when we really got under way.

There were different systems and structures. In the end, late capitalism won, even over communism. Greed became our single incentive and avarice was cool.

Now it seems like space is getting scarce. We plundered the treasures of our earth and practically ruined the planet. It gets warmer and warmer. Life on earth dies of “homo sapiens”. I am one of them. But the sickness I, too, am a cause of, will disappear. The earth will eventually recover from it. Until it will finally disappear in the cosmic infinity.

(Translated by EG)

This is supposed to be anything but a scientific treaty. It is more like a fairy tale to tell your children.

Some way or other, I like the material. I will use it on duerre.de in my keywords (Stichworten).

In the years 2525 …


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