This is how it might have happened:
Our guest author Hans Bonfigt and fefe have known each other for a long time. In former times, they crossed swords quite frequently in Usenet. And a good enmity binds you just as much as a nice friendship. Enmity and friendship probably are not too far apart, anyway, as long as you respect the other party.
By some, is called the “Boulevard Press for Nerds“. This is quite a remarkable comparison. Because there are similarities, such as a very striking use of language (more like a “restricted code”) and a one-sided tendency – even if said tendency is very much to my liking, no (few) taboos.…
To summarize it all, I would say both are mouthpieces that are extremely good at proving prejudices. . But there are also quite a few differences between the two:
The Bild-Zeitung is a business empire. With many editors and employees, no end of capital behind the scenes, a refined logistics and sales concept, in short: a huge Journaille machine. And it also has considerable political influence, because quite a few politicians probably determine what to say with already more or less an eye on the BILD- Zeitung.
Felix von Leitner is basically all working by himself. No printing press rotates for him. At most, there might be the occasional small server. His is always offering his opinions for “free”. As a general rule, the BILD costs money, except if you pinch it. You only get a free copy on very special days, such as October, 1st, when it is distributed to almost all German households. On those days, it will deliver two- or one-page free adverts of the huge German business elite, such as VW or Allianz, which make at least me run away.
But to make up for it, fefe has a “crowd of nerds” (I count myself upon them) backing him who provide him with exciting links. All that is left for him to do is a little judgement, combination and comments. And then his “newspaper” is ready for publication.
The BILD-Zeitung used to be the dominating German print medium. I cannot really make an estimate about the influence of the institution BILD on our society and politics, but I think it is still relevant today. BILD might well also have determined the result of quite a few elections in this country. There is no doubt that it influenced a number of decisions.
I assume that this might change in the future. It will be exciting to observe – BILD or blog? For all my friends, I recommend reading Fefe’s Blog. It is definitely preferable to BILD.
I took the picture from Wikipedia. It was originally uploaded by and transferred to here through Flickr upload bot by Tullius (disucussion). At that time – 16:10, August, 5th, 2011 (UTC) – it was set free by Flickr under the Creative-Commons Licence „Namensnennung – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 2.0 generisch“. „Fefe“ is licenced by melle. Lizenziert under CC BY-SA 2.0 through Wikimedia Commons –