IF Forum on October, 29th, 2015 – Dr. Andreas Zeuch – The Democratic Enterprise


Now About:

All Power to Nobody! LIVE!

andreaszeuchAll Power to Nobody – that is the motto proclaimed by Dr. Andreas Zeuch. In his new book, which was published on September, 8th of this year, he discusses “entrepreneurial democracy” at great length. And it certainly is not a theoretical pamphlet, but an exciting report full of life. I would call it a courageous and provocative work that is the exodus of quite a few prejudices.

I personally met Andreas at the 2014 Berlin PM Camp. He gave the impulse on the morning of the first day. His topic was “how much intuition can an enterprise stomach?”. This presentation was such an inspiration for me that I spent the entire morning with Andreas. Consequently, I missed all the first sessions of the PM Camp morning.

Here is some of what you can read in the preview:

Entrepreneurial democracy – is that the future of work-life, or the punchline of the week? Can enterprises be a democratic event at all, or will shared decision processes not disable the enterprise and cause bankruptcy? After all, we do not exclusively need captains, but also privates, don’t we?

What happens when a CEO is elected? If a bank abolishes all its hierarchical levels, if employees choose their own tasks or if the cleaning personnel gets a vote when innovations are discussed? Will chaos be the consequence, or will the inner motivation of all start blossoming?

Andreas Zeuch went on a journey and found enterprises that show that entrepreneurial democracy is a living and economically successful alternative of the centralized top-down system.

InterFace-Logo As always, you can register for the IF Forum by sending an E-Mail. Again, I will be permitted to moderate and I already look forward to exciting discussions and nice conversations!

(Translated by EG)


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