Now the video recordings of this year’s first IF Forum Jean Paul, the entrepreneur (Jean Paul, der Unternehmer) have been made available to the general public:
Herr Bernhard Echte of the Zürich Nimbus Publishing Company was our speaker. On Thursday, April, 11th, he started the IF Forum year 2013. To celebrate the 250-ieth birthday of Jean Paul, he told us about entrepreneurship in Jean Paul.
We made three video recordings.
Presentation PART 1 – Why Jean Paul was a successful entrepreneur:
Presentation PART 2 – How Jean Paul was able to stabilize his success as a writing entrepreneur over a long period of time:
Here is a short PART of the discussion after the presentation: what was Jean Paul’s “success drug?”:
InterfaceAG would like you to enjoy!
Here is a list of future presentations/workshops:
IF Academy
Ubuntu & Android as Used in Business (Ubuntu & Android im Business Einsatz)
Alexander Jachmann
May, 16th, 2013 | 18.00 hours
Technological IF Forum
June, 13th, 2013 | 14.00 hours, prologue starting at 13:00 hours
IF Forum
Jean Paul and Hypertext (Jean Paul und der Hypertext)
Annina Klappert
July, 11th, 2013 | 18.00 hours.
You are cordially invited to all and any of these. For registration, just send me E-Mail!
(Translated by EG)