It was a nice IF Forum with Jörg Schindler!

 Turn of an era – end of fossil energy – transformation.

As of now, the IF Forum video recordings of the presentation (Vortrag) by Jörg Schindler of February, 27th, 2014 are available. The presentation was about the current turn of an era which we witness as a consequence of the “end of fossil energies”.

You can view it in four parts. The first three follow the structure of the presentation: they deal with the last two times we had a turn of an era and with the current one, which is also called the “Great Transformation”. The fourth video contains the “best” parts of the subsequent discussion, which, this time, was particularly exciting.

Here are the four videos:

Part 1: The mental turn of an era with Galileo Galilei.

Part 2: The material turn of an era during the Industrial Revolution.

Part 3: The current turn of an era, aka Great Transformation.

Part 4: Parts of the discussion.


(Translated by EG)


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