Knowledge and Humour for Computer Scientists

On January, 17th, 2013, the IF-Lab and IF Akademie at InterFace will start a new series of presentations (Vortragsreihe) at Unterhaching.

Thomas Baldus of IF Blueprint AG will be the first speaker at 6 p.m. (in the InterFace building, top floor, teaching area). He will speak about:

APPetite Whetted for Microsoft?!

How exactly does the new taste offensive look as it reaches our shores after its trans-Atlantic voyage?

For more information on the series of lectures, click here: IF-OPEN. Very important – this is not just about the lecture, but also very much about “meeting” during a presentation in the modern format with a “Happy Hour” after the event.

I look forward to a huge audience. Also, I am looking for speakers who would like to share their knowledge and fill the slots on other days. Here is our motto:

From practitioners for practitioners.
Informatics & Beer.



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