Making all the Difference – PM Camp versus Conference

rhein_main-pm-campThis weekend, we had another PM Camp. It was the third one this year. The Rhein-Main PM Camp 2014 took place in Bad Homburg. And judging by what I read on twitter (#PMcampRM), it was another great PM Camp. After all, each one is individual, but they are all special.

And while I celebrated “30-years-InterFace” at Unterhaching with many guests, something very special was created in Bad Homburg quasi as a by-product: a team around Falk Schmid, who is also a member of the organizational team for PM Camp RM, managed to develop an experimental video under the supervision of Torsten Koerting in less than 100 minutes. The video is supposed to help explain the PM Camp idea.

Watch and enjoy!

It took only one hour to make the video! Wow! One could easily imagine some video for totally different purposes, for instance in enterprises. Lots of ideas come to mind…
So, come and register for the first Munich PM Camp #pmcampmuc.
And even better: why don’t you organize your own PM Camp in your hometown?

(Translated by EG)


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