My Personal Wish for 2017:
Gratitude and Considerateness, both for You and Others.
Many years ago, I already noticed how important it is to be considerate, both towards yourself and other persons, in what you do, but also towards the entire creation. I also started realizing quite some time ago that appreciation is the basis for peace and that appreciating yourself is the first requirement if you want to be able to appreciate other people.
But it took me almost 66 years to discover that the ability to be grateful is probably the most important requirement for a happy life. Today, I am infinitely grateful for all the things I was allowed to experience and learn in my life.
Consequently, it is my personal wish for 2017 that the degree to which I am thankful will and can continue to grow. And that is exactly what I also wish all my friends, and especially the IF blog readers!
For 2017, I wish you loads of beautiful things so that the degree to which you can be thankful will grow at your heart’s desire. And I wish us all the ability to be very grateful!
Health is also a very important commodity. So I also wish you all very much health!
As opposed to this, the small piglet is just supposed to bring a little luck. May the portion of luck that gives us the extra joy always accompany us all!
Best wishes for the start of the New Year and the same for the entire 2017!
Einen guten Rutsch und ein gelingendes Jahr 2017!
I use this beautiful picture every year as an illustration of my new year wishes. It was originally designed by my dear friend, the photographer Rolo Zollner. It is listed as “common licence“, which means that you all can use it, provided you tell all your readers where you found it and who designed it.
May it bring as much happiness as possible to as many persons as possible, and in particular to Rolo!