Just a few ideas about the deal …

Well, this news came as a surprise to me, regardless of everything else:
Microsoft buys Linkedin for 26 billion dollars.
The reason for my surprise, among others, was that, basically, this looks like a fairly low price. After all, a “German” enterprise allegedly offers more than 60 billion for an enterprise that some emotionally consider a “criminal rat shop”.
There might be good reasons (Gründe) for Microsoft to make the deal. I, too, estimated that Linkedin was a little of an underestimated outsider among the really big internet players.
And I also thought the buying strategies of Linkedin, for instance when taking over video2brain and other great enterprises such as slideshare were rather conclusive.
Now, it looks to me like all these activities were just meant to make the bride look a little prettier and thus make more money.
My first question when I heard about the deal was
Why do the customers of Linkedin (an enterprise) not get a vote when it comes to selling Linkedin (that same enterprise)?
And I immediately had to correct myself
Well, the customers do have a vote – all they have to do is remove their account!
If all the customers were to do just that, the whole affair would soon come to an end. Except that, if radically realized, such behaviour would mean leaving all these systems. From A to Z. In other words: you would personally have to disappear from the virtual world. And that is not an option for me.
When all is said and done, you come to the conclusion that it is not just the virtual reality and not only the internet enterprises. Instead, this is all also about my real life: how I live, what I eat, my mobility, my clothes, my energy level.
Consequently, I will reduce my ideas to one question:
What economic system are we in if, according to Prof. Otte, a threshold value of more than 6.1 billion US dollars was moved over the last year through “merging and acquisition” (M &A) world-wide, which is a record number?
And my question gets more precise:
How is it possible and legal that an enterprise can accumulate or get this kind of money and that it can happen at such speed?
I know a book by Georg Zoche, with the title World Power: Money (Weltmacht Geld). Of course, money is power. Consequently, it makes me very thoughtful how concerns can become so rich (=powerful). Mind you, this is happening at a time when our planet slowly but certainly dies and humans kill and torture each other. Because they are poor and consequently become victims of war entrepreneurs.
I am sure you all remember scene 4 of the first act in Shakespeare’s drama »Hamlet« (written around 1600):
“Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.“
(Translated by EG)