My Favourite Birthday Present –Nothing.

Two of my most cherished colleagues – Eileen and Yvonne – presented this poem to me (and in doing so, they gave me: Nothing – in both meanings of the word – just like I had asked everybody to)

The Birthday Present

Dear Roland, you must be aware
that in our eyes t’was only fair,
to try and give you something nice,
although you told us more than twice:

You know I wish for nothing more,
I am quite happy to the core.

We thought quite hard, through day and night,
until we had it: “Nothing” ‘s right!
A bottle full of “Nothing” was
the perfect present for the boss!


I quickly ran into the town
to buy some “Nothing” for our clown.
Yet it turned out, it is quite hard
with people acting truly smart.

They try to  sell what you desire,
but – “Nothing” is what you require!

The salesman finds you look quite normal,
but asking “Nothing” is not formal,
So in the eyes of all the folks
I must have seemed a crank that walks.

Yet I remained quite quick and sure
said: “Nothing”, plain and simply pure.
With empty bag I went my way
along the shelves to make my day,

until the owner gave advice:
The shelf with “Nothing” has a price,
but on the bottom, hidden low,
there might be “Nothing” – so I know.

I took both “Nothing” and to my heels
you can’t imagine how it feels,
to have found “Nothing” after all!
I paid for “Nothing” at the Mall.
So now you see what I went through,
since “Nothing” was just right for you!


Now is the time to end this talk,
with “Nothing” from our hands you walk,
so “Nothing” is what we all see
and “Nothing” will be all your glee.

Yet „Nothing“, when you are quite hot
will show that „Nothing“ has a lot
to answer for if you are driving.
So, if on “Nothing“ you are thriving,
you should drive neither bike nor car,
for “Nothing“ will not get you far.
Well, here is our bottle for you.

Dear Roland, we wish you a Happy Birthday and Many Returns.


Of course, I was thrilled. Many, many thanks to Eileen and Yvonne!


The bottle was filled with delicious wheat beer – and had a special label …


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