Some time ago, I wrote an article about nano technology, demanding that we should investigate into possible risks before introducing the new technology. Mind you, this is not because I object to technology as a matter of principle. Rather, I try to let common sense prevail.
Nano technology is a very interesting thing. But it has to be viewed in a differentiated way. The potential usability is manifold. Some of it is quite reasonable – but much of it is nonsense.
The media write a lot about nano. Asphalt counting cars, door handles with new silver alloys that kill bacteria and sports dress that will not smell.
They write about a sun blocker that, due to nano, creates a very thin film. About a margarine that retains its fresher look thanks to nano particles – and which I would never eat. About chocolate coated with nano particles and tooth paste with nano particles giving you an even more beautiful dental white.
What I wrote about nano particles in chocolate or margarine is supposed to be canard. But it is said that there were some people thinking about it. I do not like it. Laboratory tests with rats showed quite clearly how nano particles are transported into the brains via the lungs. And that was something that did not make the laboratory rats any healthier. What is bad for a rat is certainly bad for me.
In electronics, “nano technology” has been introduced a long time ago. These days, dimensions smaller than 100 nano metres are no longer anything special. Nano technology is an integral part of modern electronics systems.
And here we go, approaching the one-digit nano area. But also in other fields, like medicine and pharmacy, considerable advance is imaginable with nano technologies. I am sure there are developments that make sense. It goes without saying that, just like in electronics, the risks must be precisely investigated, parallel with the development and production processes.
(Translated by EG)