A few days ago, I put the first two IF Forum presentations (Vorträge) – held by Wolfgang Menauer and Kristin Block – online. The same is true for the “Software Development Unit” (Softwareentwicklungsblock) by and with Bernhard Findeiss and Dr. Elmar Jürgens.
Consequently, only the last two presentations are still missing. Here they are:
Bernd Fiedler made us understand in an amusing way what exactly it means to be a “master craftsman”:
And then there was Reinhard Büttner! He gave a review of all the day’s findings and added his own experience in the most suitable way.
I already sent the work of art by Wolf Nkole Helzle created during the day as my way of saying “Thank You ” to all speakers and guests.
Let me, once more, thank all the artists and speakers. And I would like to specifically thank all our guests. They gave me so much feedback saying what a wonderful event it was. This gives me courage to continue. We already decided upon a topic for 2014:
Self-Organization in the sense of
“Self-organization and self-control as a formative model for enterprises and projects”!
As always, I look forward to reading your feedback.
(Translated by EG)