Office Nap

🙁 Once in a while, I suffer from bad dreams.

Those are the times when I am trapped in the middle of a large, anonymous and complex economic machinery the production of which is controlled by Taylorism and the behavioural leadership by profit maximization. With not the slightest regard for casualties. It always reminds me a little of Charly in ”Modern Times“.

The world all around me has submitted to the iron rules of capitalism and unrestrained market economy.

All the people are looking for new castes. Apparently because they only feel well in a feudal system. They are all busy looking for innovative status symbols. Perhaps because medals, awards and titles have lost their values?

This is when I feel a little like I were living in the drowned GDR socialism. Except that people no longer believe in five-year plans. Neither do they sacrifice themselves as heroes of work for fulfilling the plan and for the party victory – or even as soldiers for the victory of their homeland.

No, the humans featuring in my (nightmarish) dreams want to be “heroes of consumption”. They fight for the total pleasure society in a standardized and globalized world – always hunted by what seem to be their needs and troubled by what seem to be their obligations.

🙂 When it is worst, I wake up. And then I am happy to realize I am sitting at my InterFace office desk and it was all just a dream?

(Translated by EG)


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