It seems that yesterday’s kick-off for the project peace was a success. I think we, and in particular Jolly, reached the people. We also produced nice video material and will soon discuss what and how to best process all this material.
Newly invigorated, we will now continue on our way. We are looking for allies and collecting crazy ideas. And we will all think about it all and then start new activities.
I would like to thank all those who came for being there and supporting us.
In my presentation of a little more than 30 minutes, I introduced Jolly, related why I, from now on, will focus more and more on the project PEACE, told you why I am optimistic and tried to make you understand that it is time to act.
We will make Jolly’s and my presentations available online. Here is mine in a nutshell, along with a few links for video recordings:
Introduction: Jolly (we are project partners)
- First met at the Munich Chess Academy;
- Immediately understood that we are “brothers in spirit”;
- He is an artist and philosopher and a
- Modern Robin Hood;
Through his life philosophy he convinces the rich to share their wealth with the poor. - He lives what he talks about and engages himself for more togetherness and peace.
Why do I do this (motivation)?
- Grateful for so many good things life gave me, wanting to give something in return;
- Private reasons (marriage, family, children);
- Always having enough to eat and never going cold;
- Wonderful teachers, circles and communities;
- Learned endlessly;
- Successful in business and social life;
- Adventures
- War and early home – 1950ies;
(inner peace) - Tschernobyl – 1980ies;
We have to join; - Cuba crisis – 1960ies;
(a still traumatized society is afraid of the great war) - Vietnam
(My experiences with young GI-s in the 1960ies);
And many more wars!
(peace among humans, nations and all sorts of societies) - Annoyed about not having done things better, regardless of having known better.
- Continue with the task that generations before me started (forefathers – models).
(Carl Amery, John Lennon, Konstantin Wecker, Willy Michl, Ghandi or Martin Luther King) - The engineering knowledge that we need a great transformation, and that we need it rather quickly and perhaps on a radical scale – otherwise we will be finished in a few generations.
- Soon 66 years old – and I feel more and more that Peace is the only thing that really counts in my life
- War and early home – 1950ies;
Why I am hopeful (optimism)?
- War gets more and more absurd!
- 13,500 cyber soldiers (13500 Cyber-Soldaten)
(harmless model – the concept of a permanent cyber war give me pause) - Body leasing of soldiers as a new quality of mercenaries
(they used to sell individual persons as mercenaries, today this habit becomes the normal entrepreneurial profit concept of capital companies). Examples: Academi (between 1997 and 2007 Blackwater USA, until 2009 Blackwater Worldwide, until 2011 Xe Services LLC, since 2014 part of Constellis Holdings) is the biggest US security and military enterprise. - War robots
Atlas is a Boston Dynamics project for the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency and as far as I know, Boston Dynamics used to be Alphabet (Google), now sold, because it is military-oriented and On new ways of warfare, an overview (Übersicht). - New knowledge from neurology and philosophy
- We totally misunderstood issues such as personal criminal responsibility and free will;
- Ratio is only a very small part of the human being;
- We are not those free thinkers and controllers. Instead, we are all trapped in our socialization that is formative for our subconscious. This might be another reason why, when all is said and done, we are all very much social creatures. After all, our subconscious has been generated by socialization, i.e. by other people.
- The internet changes the world.
The digital and social networks of “friendly persons” with their readiness to act together increases. - Success stories:
(NextHamburg, Urbanauten, PMCamp.org self-made, Open Source Communities, NGOs but also enterprises)
Installing these “free communities” by yourself will become the main means by which to solve actual problems in the future (infra-structure topics and smart cities). Among other things, this is because it would be asking too much of the fatherland to do it.
So how to go about it? (strategies)
- Instead of talking, we have to act! Get up! Do something!
- We have to begin with ourselves;
- No indoctrination, only impulses and inspiration;
- Peace and liberty;
- Living in love;
- Connecting with art and artists?
- Snow-ball principle?
- Plenty of ideas.
- …
And then came: Jolly …
Finished late in the evening in the train from Stuttgart to Munich, going to a good weekend and already a little on the way to Rome on Saturday.
(Translated by EG)
JOERG ROTHERMEL wrote a beautiful facebook comment:
“Instead of talking, we should act! Get up”! Do something!“
well, here is an feminist article:
I find it especially nice to read the question if “Macker“ is derived from “Macher“!
Well, this really hits home. Because my formulations were very masculine. Except: I think this is how men and women are. This is totally free of judgement. And since I am a man, I consider women beautiful goddesses. Incidentally, the post behind the link is worth reading.
Yet, I do not see it as a contradiction. It looks more like a huge supplement to me.
Because in my concept, you will find: “Instead of talking, we have to act! Get up” Do something!“ NOT to mean: COCK-FIGHTS, WARS, DEMONSTRATIONS, PROPAGANDA and MISSIONARIES: It almost annoys me that I called our enterprise “PEACE” project PEACE. After all, in my personal radical concept, the common understanding of project is already typically chauvinistic behaviour. And I consider it important that teams of men and women basically NEED NO project managers.
For me, it is the METAPHER for:
FOR: “Not letting us be suppressed by YOU CANNOT DO THAT, not letting us be manipulated by MARKETING, or influenced by INDOCTRINATION.
FOR: “Stopping to swallow all the RUBBISH POLITICIANS try to tell us and instead COURAGEOUSLY reacting with CIVIL COURAGE.
FOR: “APPRECIATING ourselves and ALL HUMAN AROUND US, winning back the CREATION and our ENVIRONMENT, and living with mutual respect and LOVE as a formative maxim and ELEMENT of OUR EVERYDAY LIVES.
FOR: “Quickly forming alliances with FRIENDLY PERSONS (rather than angry citizens) and actually changing the world for the better through COURAGE and happiness”
FOR: “first and foremost: changing your own habits and finding JOY and LOVE inside!“
Why should not the sexes meet on that basis!?