Our speaker of the third and last big IF Forum in 2013 is
Professor Dr. Roberto Simanowski!
He was going to give a presentation about:
Jean Paul, his witticism, the post-modern area and the new media.
The presentation was going to take place on November, 7th. For several reasons, we had to change the date. But be not afraid: the speaker will be the same.
On Friday, October, 25th, 2013 (please note – rescheduled!), Roberto Simanowski will tell us about a Jean Paul who, considering the times he lived in, was rather autonomous, revolutionary, in fact, almost anarchistic. Afterwards, he will give his opinion on the following current topic:
Big Data and Transparent Society: NSA, Self-Tracking and the Internet of Objects.
Here is what he will provide us with:
- Big Data being the “crude oil” of the 21st century also raises the questions of environmental pollution and of an informational sustainability concept.
- Both politicians and citizens refusing to talk about the NSA affair not only points towards non-existent problem awareness, but also to a camouflaged complicity.
- The “cold civil war” does not take place between the citizens and the secret service/surveillance society, neither does it happen between individual citizens. It actually happens inside every citizen. Databases replace stories as a form of understanding the world and yourself. The algorithm becomes the psycho therapist. It neither tells the patient what it found out, nor asks if it may use what it found out
About the speaker:
After having studied literature and history, Roberto Simanowski received his doctorial title in 1996 at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena with a work on the mass culture around 1800. Following his time as a scientist at Göttingen University, he was a visiting scholar at Harvard University (1998-2000) and the University of Washington (2001-2002), as well as representing the chairholder for media sciences and cultural theory of digital media at Jena University.
Between 2003 and 2010, Roberto Simanowski worked as an assistant professor at the Department of German Studies of Brown University in Providence (USA). He has now held a professorship at the seminar of media sciences of Basel University since 2010.
In 2011, he habilitated in media sciences at Siegen University with a work about digital media. He is the founder and editor of the online journal for art and culture of digital media dichtung-digital.org.
Here are some of his publications in the field of digital media:
- Text machines – kinetics poetry – interactive installation. On understanding art in the digital media (Transcript 2012)
- Digital Art and Meaning. Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations (University of Minnesota Press 2011)
- Reading Moving Letters: Digital Literature in Research and Teaching. A Handbook (Mhg; Transcript 2010)
- Digital Media in our adventure society. Culture – Art – Utopia (Rowohlt 2008)
- Interfictions. About writing on the internet (Suhrkamp 2002)
- Digital literature: forms and ways of new literature (Hg., DTV 2002)
- Digital Literature (Hg., Text & Kritik Oktober 2001)
This IF Forum will be held in our headquarters building at Unterhaching, in the seminar zone under the roof. We start at 18.00 hours. We look forward to welcoming our guests! As always, you can register for the IF Forum via e-mail.
(Translated by EG)