In the internal InterFace AG Social Media System, one highly appreciated colleague of mine asked why there is not more about the PM Camp in Munich available at InterFace AG. And why, so far, so few persons have registered. Here is what I replied.
Thank you for your note about the PM-Camp 2014 in Munich – #pmcamp14muc – between July, 24th and 26th at LMU, which starts on Thursday evening. So far, I had little time for writing a lot about the PM Camp – also due to the rather time-consuming preparations now under way because of our “30ieth anniversary party”. This will, however, change with the end of June.
There is no need to be worried about the Munich PM Camp. The organizational team are seven extremely well connected persons (Barbara Bucksch, Helene Neugebauer (who I cooperate with very closely at PM Camp Munich), Jolanta Czagin, Melania Melitopoulos, Martin Aigner, Michael Cramer and Sacha Storz). They will definitely manage to make it a great PM Camp, especially in the IT Capitol Munich. Currently, the marketing is just getting under way. As soon as our “30-Year-Anniversary-Party” is over – if not earlier – I will also get more active supporting the campaign. On our party, I also want to do some promotion work for the Munich PM Camp.
For the PM Camp, however, we actually look for persons who wish to “actively participate”. Which means that the active part begins as early as finding information about the PM Camp. Consequently, we do not wish to persuade anybody to attend. The best approach would be for participants to find us because they have been looking for this kind of modern “anti-conference” in barcamp format for project managers, all kinds of managers, entrepreneurs or persons who wish to shape the future actively and in a positive way.
Naturally, both among those in the PM Camp core team – the normative level – and the PM Camp strategic level (this is where the regional organisational team representatives meet), there are some who view sponsoring rather critically. The same is true for the organizational teams themselves (the operative level). Sponsor money helps to make the event less expensive and offer more to the attendants (catering, party). However, PM Camp is an independent “grass root movement” and does not wish to make a profit. With this in mind, we are always extremely careful when it comes to sponsors, because PM Camp must not be damaged by the interest of any third party. Also, PM Camp cannot and does not wish to fulfil the requirements of “normal” sponsors (“What is in it for me?”). This means that a sponsor who “shanghai-s” PM Camp is not something we desire. InterFace, for instance, only sponsors if there is a special reason or if the PM Camp cannot take place otherwise.
About the individual PM Camps:
This year, we have only had two PM Camps so far: in Zurich and in Stuttgart. Both in Zurich and Stuttgart, we (the InterFace AG) were present. Thanks to our Stuttgart branch office, we were rather well represented there. The next PM Camp is in Berlin between June, 20th and 22nd. Incidentally, it is the only one scheduled for a Saturday and Sunday. Normally, Fridays and Saturdays are the main days. But the freelancers living in Berlin cannot/do not want to afford the lack of income on a weekday. I particularly look forward to Berlin. After Berlin, there will be the Rhein-Main PM Camp in Bad Homburg, which coincides with our “30-year-party”. At the July Camp in Munich, I definitely plan to attend. Later this year, we also plan another one in Dornbirn and other places. Dornbirn was where everything started in November 2011. Consequently, Dornbirn as a PM Camp for DACH is the very special baby of Stefan (Dr. Stefan Hagen) and yours truly.
Additional note:
After my tenure as managing director of InterFace AG ends on December, 31st, 2014, I plan to get even more active promoting the PM Camp movement.
(Translated by EG)