pmcamp meets munich – best of pmcamp

Now the time has come – our technological IF Forum of 2012 is planned. The day is set and the content has been decided upon. Even the speakers have all agreed to come.

At the third “Technological IF Forum” after 2010 (AGIL) and 2011 (LEADERSHIP) on September, 25th, starting at 14:00 hours “PM Camp will come to Munich”! We want to tackle the problems of

“Projects – Work, Coaching, Success”

To be sure, this is not (yet) a barcamp. It would not be possible to do that on one afternoon. But still, we will try to create something like a barcamp atmosphere.

The agenda and program are still in the planning stages. But it is clear that we will start at 2 p.m. And at 6 p.m., we plan to have the “happy hour”. This is when we can get some recreation after the tedious and exciting afternoon.

During those four hours, the IF Forum will be the “stage” for PM Camp and for the people who had considerable impact on the development of the PM Camp. The InterFace AG will provide the setting. I will give a short introduction about the “PM Camp” (#pmcamp) idea – and then we will spend four hours with modern project management. In a broader sense, it is also about leadership and entrepreneurship.

Together, we will discuss methods and creativity, emotional and foul, prudent and wise, upright and unethical project management. It will all happen on a high level and short presentations, along with open discussions will make for quite some diversity! You will be surprised!

Here are some persons who already agreed to come: Dr. Stefan Hagen (Dornbirn, Dr. Marcus Raitner (München,  Jens Hoffmann (Hamburg, Nadja Schröer-Petranovskaja (Seevetal und Dr. Eberhard Huber (Ludwigsburg They will report what, to them, project management means and tell you what is particularly important for them.

We will discuss the presented theses together with passion during two “Fishbowls”. As always, we will broadcast live into the internet and also make recordings of the presentations and highlights on video tape.
It makes me happy to see that the day is now decided upon and I hereby want to thank all my PM Camp friends very much, indeed! I really appreciate that you spontaneously agreed to come and will even travel quite far in order be in Munich!

So – save the date – September, 25th, starting at 2 p.m. in Unterhaching.

And not to forget:

As of now, you can register for the Dornbirn PM Camp 12 (November, 10 to 12)! You do not want to miss it!

(Translated by EG)


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