“Porsche and Katar” or “The Money Cycle”

I am just reading about the billions coming from Katar for its share of Porsche! This is money badly needed by Porsche! Here is what comes to mind:

First we buy oil from petrol-exporting countries and spend a lot of dollars. Then we burn (annihilate) said petrol in cars like Porsche, Mercedes, and other brands.

The petrol-exporting country takes the petrol dollars and ask foreign companies to build villas for them on artificial islands with that money. They set up new airlines (for instance Etihad – see my article “Flieger für die Wüste”) and buy shares of Porsche and Daimler.

And as soon as petrol gets scarce, the villas and artificial islands, airlines and shares in car factories become worthless. Thus, the former petrol exporting countries annihilate their money with even more creative thinking.

Isn’t that a wonderful money cycle?

🙂 I cannot believe that once I was afraid the Golf countries might come to dominate the world through their wealth.

But maybe the only real sense money makes is when you annihilate it. As we all know, it is not even edible. What is a little disappointing is that in the end, the petrol, too is (was) gone. For nothing.

No! Not for nothing! As Herr Schindler “Vortrag von Herrn Schindler in IF-Forum” Schindler said: at least we owe electricity and the invention of the bike to the fossil century. That is not bad at all, is it?

(translated  by EG)


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