A short time ago, a friend of mine told me

“that he no longer listens to the BR news and also no longer watches the official news of the state-subsidized stations ARD and ZDF. He also no longer likes the classic newspapers such as SZ or FAZ (he never mentioned BILD) and consequently feels comfortable without them. To make up for it, he now likes watching programs such as Heute-Show and the Anstalt (both of them on ZDF, but that is pure coincidence).

Reading IF-Blog – it’s a must!!!

In addition, he reads a few blogs such as IF-Blog or FEFE. Along with reading the Postillon, that – supplemented with the occasional visit of the cabaret with programs such as Markus Barwasser (Pelzig) – is absolutely sufficient for him to be well informed, also in the sense of democratic responsibility.

My first reaction was to smile. But then I understood that some truth is hidden behind that statement. I even found an explanation:

If a cabaret performer or blogger relates theses or facts, he is well advised to do some serious research and groundwork before publishing them. Otherwise, he might easily be heading towards problems in our post-factual world. The “normal press”, however, never seems to have had that problem.

(Translated by EG)


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