We met directly beneath the venerable Ulm Cathedral. There were six of us: all mature men, meeting early on a sunny afternoon in order to work towards peace. Unfortunately, there was no woman amongst us, but then: maybe there will be in the future.
Here is an attempt at writing the minutes of the first meeting.
July, 19th, on a nice summer afternoon in front of the coffee house beneath the Ulm Cathedral. Parties meeting:
Daniel, Eberhard, Guido, Jolly, Roland, Wolf.
After a round of introductions where everyone said what motivated him personally, we started developing and discussing first ideas on how we would like to and actually could approach the problem.
Idea of active involvement
We want to reach many persons and encourage them to openly work for peace. For us, this is more important than missionary work towards convincing non-peaceful persons.
We want to use the network-based media.
Based on the works of Wolf, we want to make a certain amount of interaction possible. We want the contributions of people to influence each other and yet we want them to have their own individual value. Participation is open and has a low access threshold. Yet the participation should be more than just a simple “like” or similar phrase.
Applying the snow-ball principle, we want to reach VERY many people. Our final goal would be to, perhaps, some day, have created the critical mass that can change society.
Our idea is based on views and convictions each of us finally put into short words once more:
I want peace through neutrality and respect for all living creatures.
Hatred and enemy images should disappear.
I have no enemies. Humans have no enemies. We create our own enemy images.
Appreciation. Peace has a value.
Peace is a precious commodity, no more enemy images!
More empathy!
An open society is a pre-requirement for peace.
Awake peacefully, let peace grow.
Next steps:
Find more like-minded persons -> this process has already started.
Fill ideas with actual behavioural patterns.
Design a logo.
Work on a manifesto – see a few fragments below.
Manifesto Fragments
Peace is valuable and needs no justification.
Peace is based on appreciation and respect.
Only those who appreciate their own self can appreciate others.
The peaceful solution of a conflict is always the better solution.
Humans have no enemies, they only have enemy images.
You can overcome enemy images.
Join us! Let us break the “pattern of war”!
(Translated by EG)
Since we want to make the “project PEACE” absolutely transparent, I am simply publishing the Ulm minutes. Thank you Eberhard for the nice summary.