Back from the South Sea, this is the first morning I again read the “SZ” while enjoying my breakfast at home. Again, I find strange things to read … one article particularly drew my attention:
In Germany, they now implanted the first stomach pace maker.
If I understood correctly, they implanted a 65-gram device that is about as big as a visiting card on the outer stomach wall of a 31-year old lady. The operation lasted a little less than one hour.
Allegedly, the small electronic miracle can control the feeling of hunger and store data about food input and physical exercise. The stomach pace maker, so they say, sends electrical impulses to the stomach, thereby causing a feeling of saturation.
Wow, what wonderful things we now manage to do with IT! Medicine without limits! There is a totally new potential: just imagine the stomach pace maker in combination with an app on the i-phone. Or, when going by car, combined with the on-board system. Or maybe just with the refrigerator …
Or is it all just nonsense?
Does the health insurance pay for this kind of operation? Or will the “pilot customer” get money for agreeing to the experiment? What happens if the device is removed? Or will it remain for your entire life and you just get a replacement at regular intervals.
There are times when I really wonder what kinds of ideas we have put to practice these days. And then I think that, maybe, it would be a good idea to make use of the human inventor spirit for quite a few more important things.
Anyway, I will immediately start putting less food into my body – without using a pace maker!
(Translated by EG)