Here are a few current events that I find questionable:
Negative interest
Once upon a time, they actually paid you interest on what you had in your savings account. However, then came the tax at source and made the interest dwindle.
If now we get negative interest rates, how about taxes? Will I automatically get a tax bonus (Quellensteuer)?
Plastic bags
Now we have a voluntary obligation by trade that they will take money for plastic bags. I doubt that it will help very much.
Why don’t they do something about all the other considerable plastic rubbish (plastic sacks for dog shit, all the products for sale wrapped in plastic)?
At long last, someone is facing trial.
But why are the whistle blowers those who face trial, instead of those who committed the bribery?
Higher pensions.
The government is rather proud to announce that, for a change, the retired persons got a considerably portion of the cake.
But why do they not tell us that the money some retired persons get will be less, because now some of the retirees have to pay income tax?
They announced it today: starting now, the purchase of e-cars will be subsidized. The same is true for hybrid cars. I understand the latter even less than the former. If at all, e-cars are a small part of the solution at best. Their total environment balance is nowhere near good (Rentner jetzt Einkommens-steuerpflichtig).
If they want to give subsidies, why not to the carrier bikes? They are actually beneficial!
Continue: on many topics. Perhaps I will do it. But I would also like to publish all your “stupid questions”. Feel free to send them to me. This will make the blog a little more interactive.
(Translated by EG)