They say that Germany is appalled by “what happened in Cologne”. At least that is what I read and hear. However, I have not witnessed the same in everyday life. The politicians, who to me always seem so far remote from the world, are particularly shocked and surprised. Perhaps that is only what they pretend to be.
And as soon as the news from Cologne have reached the media, Hamburg, too “outs” itself. There, “something similar” happened. And I remember that I, too, already witnessed similar things. A few decades ago in my home town of Augsburg.

In the mid-1960ies, all the closed streets in the inner city of Augsburg were full of “senseless behaviour” on Carneval Tuesday. The general outbreak of disinhibition with the many young persons on the streets gave young men (true-born Augsburg guys) the idea to generate chains and “grab” girls under cover of all this tumult.
The chains had only one goal: catch and feel up girls. And part of the chain were definitely also some high-school sophomores or senior high-school students, all of who later became very respected citizens of Augsburg. Later, I concluded that this was probably the wish to break away from a then totally inhibited time (some people today cannot imagine what it was like). It was like a valve in a pressurized container.
And that is probably the reason why such behaviour was tolerated in Augsburg and maybe in many other cities, as well. But then, perhaps at the time simply no woman would ever have thought of reporting such a thing to the police. Well, it does not really matter. On the whole, it was a difficult time. And I am afraid that times have not really changed very much, only the methods of subjugation have become more sublime.
These days, I think a lot about those (and other) “juvenile sins”. Imagining that all the guys could have ended up behind prison bars does not seem to be the proper solution. The same is true for other, perhaps even worse “criminal deeds” committed for which, at the time, we were just lucky enough not to get caught. Consequently, we actually managed to avoid severe punishment.
Well, it is obvious, isn’t it: we are dealing with a society problem. It concerns more or less all humans – both asylum seekers and “locals”. And it particularly concerns those who have been socialized in an archaic way (physical violence, educational barbarism, religious indoctrination, “making someone look small”, not giving them love, …)
We must come to a stage where, even in border situations (alcohol, other exceptional states of mind, group dynamic effects,… ), we know borders. Borders we cannot cross, because if we do so we wound or damage other persons. And we must have civil courage. Saying NO even when we are part of a pack (see the Milgram-Experiment).
The only way to get there is enlightenment, education and, above all, love during your childhood and youth, instead of punishment, “education”, morals, religion or the famous cry for more “law & order“ and even more irrational new legislation. Consequently, the families and society are now called upon. Along with the country. Because it has to spend money for the “right things”, instead of the “wrong things”. Unfortunately, the latter happens far too often today!
And when it comes to sexuality, all those constraints and respective taboos must also at long last disappear. Incidentally, more often than not, they are religiously motivated. And this is an area where manipulation is not restricted to the archaic religions, but also extends to those that call themselves “modern”.
(Translated by EG)
I agree with you that the erratic information policy of the administration was and is the opposite of helpful or goal-oriented.
The beautiful Wikipedia picture is a work by Guido Radig.