At long last, we did it this week – the first Swiss PM-Camp took place. I was part of it – and it was a wonderful experience.
Most of the attendants came from Switzerland – which means that I made many new acquaintances. It felt very good to be part of the event. In some way or other, much of what happened sounded quite familiar to me and I remembered our RISE workshops at Hochschule St. Gallen.
🙂 This time, PM Camp was not just short for Project Management Camp, but also for Premium Camp.
Because in Zurich, everything was premium quality: the location, the way people interacted with each other, the session quality, the food, the Friday evening party and the closing event. …
The venue was the “25hours”, a boutique hotel in Zurich West. We had truly creative surroundings with lots of space for an innovative exchange of ideas.
In other words: the team around Silvio, Christian, Toni and Matthias has every reason in the world to be really content with this event. You did a marvellous job! Many thanks!
At the very outset on Friday morning, Mischa Ranseyer (here are his slides) fascinated the entire audience with his keynote on “Management in the 21st Century”.
Inspired by Mischa’s theses, we went ahead with many very illustrious and exciting sessions.
Naturally, I was also responsible for one of them. It is just too much fun taking up topics from other sessions and then mentally extending them in your own event.
Zürich was our start into the PM Camp year 2014. Initially, we had a PM Camp where quality was the most important thing for all the fifty participants. It seemed a little like the motto had been “small but nice”.
Now everything comes in quick succession:
The next PM Camps will be in Stuttgart (May, 9th and 10th, 2014), Berlin (June, 20th through 22nd, 2014) and Bad Homburg (PM Camp Rhein-Main from June, 26th through June, 28th, 2014). After that, the first Bavarian PM Camp will have its premiere in Munich between July, 25th and July, 26th.<
We have not yet set a date for Vienna, but in November, the PM Camp year 2014 will be closed with the great PM Camp DACH in Dornbirn (November, 20th through 22nd).
Whenever possible, I will be participating at most PM Camps. I am booked for Stuttgart, Berlin, München and Dornbirn. And, of course, I would be delighted to meet many friends.
So if now I raised your curiosity and you would like to attend a PM Camp for Project Management in order to share and increase your knowledge about management, entrepreneurship and shaping the future – and all this together with others while having a lot of fun and at high speed with surprisingly little cost – then you are welcome to contact me.
I am always at your service, both for more general information and very personal questions. Besides, you will already find quite a few articles in the IF blog which tell you about PM Camp in particular and barcamps in general. All you have to do is search for “barcamps und PM-Camp” in this blog.
Hoping to see you soon at one of our barcamps,
(Translated by EG)
Here are a few pictures taken during the weekend
And you can find more about the nice Zurich PM Camp on twitter – just look for the hashtag: #pmcamp14zhr