Last week, I once again went to see a play at the
Torturmtheater in Sommerhausen.
At long last, my calendar had room for it and so I watched a premiere with the party that belongs to it in the beautiful ambience of the theatre.
The Torturmtheater belongs to Veit Relin in Sommerhausen. After the great artist died, Angelika Relin took over.
For me, it is a very special gem in the German Theatre Landscape. I would describe it as a theatre with heart and competence. It offers you a very special and extremely diverse program.
They played a piece by Marius von Mayenburg
“The Ugly Man.“
The Ugly Man is a bitterly evil comedy about an absurd loss of face. It will be played in the Torturmtheater between August, 6th and October, 3rd, 2015.
The hero of the comedy, Herr Lette, is a person with an unbelievably ugly face that actually has a rather detrimental effect on his career.
He undergoes a total all-around renovation under the scalpel, played in a great way and with high speed. After the operation, a totally new life begins for him.
Soon, however, he has to realize that being “handsome, rich and irresistible”, too, is not what makes a happy life. Losing his individuality actually takes away the floor under his feet. Well, what else could you expect? And he discovers that being ugly actually had its positive sides, too.…
It is a strong and very moving piece – glamorous, fascinating and extremely humorous – and yet full of passion and pain! And it constantly reminds you of the mania our own lives have allowed themselves to be dominated by.
As always, I watched the play with Barbara. We almost fell off our chairs with laughter. Again, it was theatre exactly as I like it, with a deeply serious and very contemporary background. Yet said background is presented with so much levity and humour that the joy in the entire affair never gets lost and you will really flourish as you see the comedy.
Without a single phase of tranquillity, the entire piece is played at extremely high speed. The roles are handed on like the baton in a relay race. All high-class.
And I really regretted that, this time, the play had not been practiced in the InterFace AG building, as a few others had been. Well, so much more am I now looking forwards to the next visit of a Torturmtheater team to our office building.
Here is a picture where you see the exceptional “Band of Four” in action.

(Translated by EG)
Performances are Tuesdays through Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 4.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Torturmtheater. The theatre has air-conditioning.
Of course, you can also find the Torturmtheater on Facebook and in Google+ …