Today, I Was Fingerprinted!

FingerprintFirst, you have to put the right index finger on the computer sensor. On the flash signal of the computer, you have to lift the finger and then again put it back down. The whole procedure has to be repeated three times.

Then follows the same procedure with the left hand. Three times down and up again, and the scan is ok. Now the identification treatment is finished.

Why did I have to do this?

I need a new passport! It has to contain biometrical data, the first of which is the fingerprint. Without fingerprint, you can no longer get a passport.

It does not altogether meet with my approval.

If anybody had told me in 1968 that it was going to be like this in the year 2009, I would not have believed him!

Well, at least the service at our municipal administration was absolutely correct, polite and extremely friendly. It cost 59 Euros.

(Translated by EG)

Being desperate for a picture, I took this one from wikipedia. Where else could I have got hold of my own fingerprint that fast?!


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