Tweets on Twittering and Blogging #044

Here are my tweets of last week on

Blogging and Twitter, Wisdoms and Rules:

101230 More fear gets out from inside than inside from out – not only true for twittering and bloggin. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

101231 There are quite a few who never reach Rome – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

110101 Occasionally, also a wise hen will get in hot water – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

110102 Much is determined by who says it – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

110103 Every woman thinks her child is the peacock among – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

110104 If you want the tinder to catch, you must make it good tinder, indeed – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

110105 It is a perfect match – also happens sometimes when twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom

There is a new tweet each day. See Twitter and “follow” RolandDuerre!

(Translated by EG)

I took the proverbs from Alle deutsche Sprichwörter.


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