Here are my tweets of last week on
Blogging and Twitter, Wisdoms and Rules:
111020 You cannot play father for all children at once – the same is true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
111021 You cannot always walk in a rose garden – well, the same is true for twittering and blogging! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
111022 You cannot be the jester for nothing – we twitterers and bloggers know the feeling. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
111023 You cannot cook two mushes in one pot – a feeling all twitterers and bloggers know! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
111024 You can hear a lot before your ear will fall off – something you should remember when twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
111025 I you really want something, you can do it – is that also true for twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
111026 You will know the bird by its feathers – as you will also know the twitterer and blogger. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
There is a new tweet each day. See Twitter and “follow” RolandDuerre!
(Translated by EG)
I took the proverbs from Alle deutsche Sprichwörter.