Here are my tweets of last week on:
blogging and twittering, wisdoms and rules:
120621 Jittery tyres will last longest – not to forget, bloggers and twitterers. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
120622 Never give unbidden advice – also true for twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
120623 Birds of prey will not sing – also true for twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
120624 Justice will always be justice, but it is often turned around – also true for twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
120625 Better not to talk where nobody will listen – advice for you, twitterer and blogger! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
120626 Talk little, listen much – also when twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
120627 Speech is silver, but silence is golden – also true for twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
There is a new tweet each day. See and “follow” RolandDuerre!
(Translated by EG)
I took the proverbs from Alle deutsche Sprichwörter.