Here are my tweets of last week on
Blogging and Twittering, Wisdoms and Rules:
140403 Those who doubt too much will despair – also if a twitterer or blogger? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
140404 Know where thy bread is buttered – but please not when twittering and blogging! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
140405 Out of fullness of the heart the mouth speaks – also when twittering and blogging? #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
140406 If there is something you are ashamed of, don’t do it – also when blogging and twittering! #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
140407 Going against the current is going poorly – also when blogging and twittering. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
140408 There is no art against ill luck – also when twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
140409 The fabric will be like the thread it is spun from – also true for twittering and blogging. #Twitter #Blogging #Wisdom
There is a new tweet each day. See and “follow” RolandDuerre!
(Translated by EG)
I took the proverbs from Alle deutsche Sprichwörter.