Vacation Diary #59 – Porto

What a beautiful day we had today! Contrary to the forecast, there was but little rain. We often glimpsed the sun.

We started in the morning at Ajaccio. First we went towards Mezzavia, then we took the coastal road to Calvi. The way to Porto was via Sargone and Cargèse. The last leg after the Bocca di San Martino taking us to Piana and then down to Porto was the nicest stretch of the entire journey. Again, we saw unbelievably beautiful nature.

Whenever I see such beauty, I just wonder how this is possible and decide it is just something you must have experienced.

Beautiful places like Piana (and also Porto) are, of course, totally “touristified”. The good news is that you do not yet notice this on Corsica in April. Everything is empty, and the not-yet-open hotels and restaurants have a morbid charm.

Here are the technical data: again, we rode more than 80 kilometres. Unfortunately, I can only estimate the altitude we covered, but it must have been once more around 2,000 metres.

Consequently, I am tired both physically and mentally. So today you only get this short entry in my vacation diary (due to inadequate connections, there are not yet any pictures, either). But you also get my urgent recommendation to come and cycle on Corsica yourself.

(Translated by EG)


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