Weekend Contemplations

Sine ideas of mine have their origin in the fact that probably all of us have to find a balance between good and bad, right and wrong, constructive and destructive in various dimensions and at different times in our lives. I, too know it only too well.

Consequently, I wish for myself and you, dear friends and readers, that we may have great success when trying to overcome the ever new obstacles put before us! And I would ask you and myself – even if you are just as frustrated and desperate as I am and when everything seems in vain and hopeless – to just continue.

Because I believe constructive work is possible in every environment. The goal and the way towards it might change, but in the end, there will always remain something positive (constructive). You only have to really want to do the constructive thing, particularly in destructive worlds. And you should always find the courage to do it
Here is a sentence I do not yet quite understand:

”There is no right life in wrong life“.

I do not know if it is correct. Often, I think: yes, then I think: no. But there probably “a constructive life even in destructive life”!

Well: hands on!

(Translated by EG)


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