Yesterday evening, as I return late from the company outing, I look into my post box. And what do I find?
An IHK newspaper (Zeitung).
So far, I only knew the magazine (Magazin) by the same institution that has the same name. It, too, reaches me as undesired high-gloss waste at regular intervals – and sometimes several copies of it (see my artikcle on the last edition).
This time, it is the Wirtschaft 02 |2012. It is about “handing over the enterprise early enough” – and it says so in huge letters right in the middle of the title page. What a truly current topic! To be sure, it is certainly an interesting issue, but, hey, we have been hearing about this old shit for quite some time now from banks and advisors.
And at the bottom of page one, I also have to read:
IHK is sorry to hear how they voted with respect to the third runway.
😉 Well, this makes me angry.
It makes me even more angry that, again, I get a paper in my post-box that I do not want. Basically, I have cancelled almost all subscriptions that meant paper in my house. On my letter-box and newspaper slid, you can find the stickers: “Please No Ads“. But still, the IHK keeps sending me this paper.
And then I see that it is not addressed to me. It is actually for my daughter Sophie. She is a student of mathematics at LMU, so you can bet she is not an “owner of a small firm” (according to the IHK website, the paper is especially designed for representing the interests of and being useful to that group). Neither did she order the newspaper or fill in a subscription form.
That makes me even more angry. We are forced to be IHK members – and the IHK sends newspapers without any added value but with a strong lobbyist tendency to our daughters.
It would be interesting to find out where the IHK found the address of my daughter (with the correct spelling of both first and second names). Since we are talking data security in this country all the time…
Why don’t we organize some sort of opposition to the self-portrayal of a system as totally remote from actual economic needs and as antiquated as the Chamber of Industry and Commerce? Maybe we should no longer finance them?
(Translated by EG)