An SZ – region Munich – article of June, 24th, 2015 by Stefan Galler shows yet again what state our schools are in these days. And it also shows our mental concept when talking the lives of small persons given into our care.
Why? Here is the background information!

Even last year, space became a rare commodity in the Riemerling Primary School (which now also has an all-day sector). For instance, lunch was outsourced to the school building in Hohenbrunn on the Siegertsbrunner Straße.
Riemerling is situated directly in Ottobrunn, but it is part of the Höhenbrunn municipality, which is situated a little less than three kilometres out of Riemerling.
The two schools belong together. They use a bus for transporting the children from Riemerling to Hohenbrunn to have lunch (called: lunch-time supervision). The bus takes around 20 minutes for the drive, because it does some detours. The S-Bahn trains do the same distance in three minutes and you can easily ride your bike there in less than 15 minutes.
What sort of country is this, where young persons – who actually should still be permitted to be children and toy around – are forced to spend their entire days in schools and then transported by busses that take twenty minutes for one way to go and have lunch – with the quality of the meal being something I can only guess at?
Do we have a right to treat the time of our children with so little responsibility?
The parents’ council of Riemerling primary school now started an online petition. Under, you can find the online petition for a referendum. The objective is: “We want a lunch-time supervision for our children that deserves the name, and we also want it back in Riemerling!”
I would gladly agree. Except – when I went to primary school, we all were out of school by midday and could recuperate from the maltreatment we had suffered in the morning in freedom and with fresh air. Consequently, I would recommend to parents: shun all-day schools. And if you believe they are absolutely necessary, then maybe you should take a closer look at your own lives. Perhaps something went wrong with it?!
(Translated by EG)
Six of my seven children went to Riemerling Primary School. Initially, it was still a halfway humane school with a director who understood children and saw himself as a “mild father”. With a new director – a lady who sees herself as a manager – matters deteriorated. Now the motto became: “Nice exterior, evil interior”. Finally – for me nine years ago – the school has turned into a total catastrophe.