In my last Wikileak articlel, I wrote about my impression that the world is more and more dominated by systems the exclusive goal of which it is to preserve themselves at all costs and to increase their own power. Managers and politicians, along with functionaries, accept these goals of de-personalized systems. Or at least they abuse them for their own personal profit and thus become system agents.

Leaders who act with responsibility towards the common good are few and far between. Civil courage and constructive disobedience are replaced by goal-oriented behaviour and blind acceptance of the authorities. The only thing that matters when decisions are made and actions are realized is preserving power and property. Or else, people use their own power in order to let their “Amigos” benefit from high-quality business connections.

If, however, only system agents and functionaries (instead of leaders with ethically responsible values) are left sitting at the power controls, then our only hope for limiting the role of the systems and its agents is transparency.

Incidentally, the Wikileak publications also showed that the new rulers have no manners. How would a real leader ever dream of talking poorly about his international partners, or questioning their competence? Not to mention doing it in the written form and handing it on to third parties?

In my opinion, this kind of behaviour should be a NOGO if you are in contact with other people. Who gave us the right to raise ourselves above others and judge their characters? Arrogance and pretentiousness are not leadership qualities.

(Translated by EG)


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