On the weekend of September, 24th to September, 26th, Leipzig hosted the Wikipedia Congress. The admission was free. For details about the program and venue, click HYPERLINK “http://www.cpov.de” o “Wikipedia Kongreß-Seite” t “_blank” here.
Frau Eva Prase of the Freie Presse wrote an article about the opening of the congress titled: “The first internet world wonder”. I helped to inspire her.
Click here to read the Artikel (1262 downloads ) . I find it worth reading.
In the article, you will also find my assessment that, due to its “powerful presence on the market” Wikipedia is more than just a “passive” documentation. Instead, it also “actively” influences our assessment of things and persons. It happens involuntarily, yet is unavoidable.
Because technologies and terms not or poorly described in Wikipedia will be forgotten or devaluated. The same is true for persons. For instance, a management trainer with a good presence in Wikipedia is “worth more” than one who cannot be found there.
🙂 Or to put it in simple terms: an animal not described in Wikipedia does not exist.
(Translated by EG)
And with all this fuss, I forgot to mention that the InterFace AG is, of course, not located in Munich, but in Unterhaching near Munich.