Workshop at InterFace AG: CRAFTSMANSHIP!

Invitation & Agenda

With the guidance of Wolf Nkole Helzle (Social Media Art Artist), our fourth technological IF Forum will be about


To the left on the picture, you can see Wolf Nkole Helzle. He is a famous social media artist living in Baden Württemberg. Wolf will accompany us through this year of IF Forums!

To trigger your memory:

We started our technological IF Forum in 2010 with finding out how “agile development” can be useful for us. During the next two years, we discussed “new leadership” (2011) and “project coaching” (2012).

So far, our IF Forums have been very special events, both for our guests and ourselves. We want it to be the same this time over. This year, it is all about the craftsmanship of a “white collar worker”.

We will start on June, 13th, at 13:00 hours with our workshop “Craftsmanship”.  The location is our office building at Unterhaching and, for a change, we will start in the afternoon. The presentations will begin at 14:00 hours.

We will gladly welcome our guests from 13.00 hours on, because that is when we will visit art with Wolf Nkole Helzle in a very craftsman-like and interactive way.


from 13:00  hours: our guests arrive …
Wolf Helzle will take pictures!

14:00 hours: Roland Dürre / Wolfgang Menauer (both of InterFace AG)


What is craftsmanship?

14:30  hours: Judith Lell & Kristin Block (wissenswerk):

The Cornerstones of a Knowledge (Sharing)

Leadership as a craft

Coffee Break

15:15 hours: Bernhard Findeiss (InterFace AG):

No Competence without Learning and Practice!

Developing software is a craft

15:45 hours: Dr. Elmar Juergens (CQSE GmbH)

The “Feedback Method”

Delivering quality is also craftsmanship

Coffee Break

16:30 hours: Bernd Fiedler (Datac):

Master and Apprentice

No craft without experience

17:00 hours: Reinhard Büttner (SWM)

Knowledge – Giving and Receiving – Why so Much is Lost!

Sharing knowledge is a craft

Coffee Break

17:45 hours: all of us


Sharing, giving and receiving – and winning?

18:30 Happy Hour

“Craftsmanship” by Wolf Helzle

Art & Pleasure


I personally know all the speakers quite well. Appreciating their competence, I also know that they all have the very special ability to convey their knowledge in a charming and exciting manner. Here is a list of speakers:

Judith Lell and Kristin Block founded wissenswerk together.

Bernhard Findeiss is an employee of the InterFace AG. Among other things, he is very active in the field of Open Source and at Socrates.

Dr. Elmar Juergens is the founder and shareholder of CQSE GmbH.

Bernd Fiedler is on the board of directors at Datac. Moreover, he lectures regularly and is the pragmatic mastermind of knowledge management.

Reinhard Büttner is workforce director at the Stadtwerken München, where he built up a functioning model of “knowledge management”.

As early as now, I would like to thank our speakers very much for agreeing to speak. And I know that, thanks to them, our fourth IF Forum will again be a very special afternoon!

And we look forward to welcoming our guests! As always, you can register for the technological IF Forum via E-Mail.


(Translated by EG)


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