
Right at the beginning of the crisis, the “pirate” Marina Weisband is said to have twittered without any trace of outrage that Wulff is not an evil person. Instead, so Weisband, he is „symptomatic for a political culture that does not know how to deal with mistakes”.

In his article Die Fiktion, which, in my opinion is very well worth reading, Frank Schirrmacher of the FAZ calls this statement one of the quickest and most clear-sighted sentences that were formulated at the beginning of the crisis.

In my opinion, he is correct. But I still have a number of reservations as far as the entire affair is concerned. And even though I am truly fed up with the discussion around our Federal President, I still want to add my personal “two-cent-worth” comment:

”Waging War” Between the Federal President and Bild Chief Editor:

Quite often, nations that, a moment ago, were still allies, suddenly  wage war against each other. Governments or dictatorships that make the transition from “closely allied” to “inimical and waging war against each other” without any problem are usually not the most upright ones. Remember, for instance, Stalin/Hitler. And if I add my personal life experience, I actually come to the conclusion that the same rule can be applied to quite normal persons as well.

Payment With Bounced Cheques and Loans Without Repayment:

If the combination “payment of a loan with anonymous cheque/no written proof” and the entire “without contract and notary” is true, then that is just scandalous.

It smells of clumsy (?) money laundering. And I ask myself why an intelligent person would do such a thing if it is not money laundering. After all, he would live quite dangerously in exchange for non-existent advantages. Particularly dangerous for politicians or holders of a high office, such as that of Federal President (who, if I interpret the intent of our constitution correctly, should not be a politician).

If, however, we are talking money laundering, then the entire affair belongs before the council of prosecution. Well, wouldn’t it be tricky to have a prosecutor accusing the Federal President?

If someone gives me a loan I need not pay back, then I am quite happy with it. I do not have to pay anything back, neither do I pay taxes. And as soon as I start getting dementia, I will forget it, anyway. Or else, I could wait for inflation to make it all well again. After all, nobody knows.

I think I will ask my business counsellor if this kind of thing might be advantageous for me, as well. Because if some behaviour is tolerated in the person who, due to his position “represents our values” and sets the “moral standard for all of us”, then it surely  must be tolerated if I do it, as well!

Unfortunately, I already know what Lutz Weigell (our business counsellor) will say. Nothing at all.
He will simply wear his intelligent face and look me deeply into my eyes. In order to find out if I have now turned a) insane or b) criminal. Or if I, again, c) made one of my (and this time rather poor) jokes.

It seems like the loan without contract, notary or paying back for Herrn Christian Wulff  was not a joke. And I almost fear that in our allegedly corruption-free BRD economy these kinds of things happen not too infrequently – at least on the highest level.
Thank you very much. I am fed up!

(Translated by EG)

I apologize for my negative emotions!

It also seems clear to me why the personal question “resignation yes/no” is not an easy one for Herrn Wulff. If what seems to be true is actually true, then by now this is all just about minimizing his personal damage. Will he suffer less as Federal President or as a citizen? After all, justice in Germany may be slow, but who said it was not thorough? I could name a few persons who believed they were wiser!

If what we read is not the truth, then this would also be scandalous. But in a totally different way. It would be a demonstration how to remove an uncomfortable lateral thinker. Except that this does not at all look like such a case. And there are more than a few indications pointing towards the fact that there is still more camouflaged than in the open.

I took the images of the cent coins from Wikipedia. In doing so, I also wish to remind you that it is again time to make a contribution.


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