2000 before Christ.
Roland and his Neubiberg horde are totally disrupted by an Unterhaching horde. After a few turnings of the moon, his wife Barbara assumes that, perhaps, Roland is not coming back.
The rest of the world will never know.
1st century after Christ.
Roland, a Bavarian auxiliary soldier and part of a Roman legion is killed when they fight against some Germanians. After a few moons have passed, Barbara asks for news at Castra Regina. She gets the information: probably dead.
The rest of the world will never know.
2016 after Christ.
Roland writes about his frustration. Readers of the IF blog read his words. They feel that he is writing what they think, inform others who are like-minded. Among them is the author of a mass paper who titles it “Apocalypse Now”. A foreign journalist who is actually glad that, for a change, the Germans at long last also are poorly off, tells it to his compatriots who immediately become even worse off. The world of media is suddenly flooded with a competition of “who-is-worst-off”, because only bad news is good news.
The rest of the world will hear about it.
The increasing world-wide evil spirit is a consequence of inflated communication cascades.
In other words.
News ooze booze.
(Translated by EG)